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Kleine Scheidegg

Kleine Scheidegg 3, 3818 Grindelwald, Switzerland
📞 +41 33 828 76 30

スイスのグリンデルワルトにある「Kleine Scheidegg」レストランは、美しいアルプスの素晴らしい景色を望むことができる素晴らしい場所です。近くにはジュネーブ湖があり、地元の料理を楽しむことができます。レストランの建物は、落ち着いた色調で構成されたモダンなデザインです。広々とした店内は、落ち着いた雰囲気を演出し、木製のテーブルと椅子が美しい風景を見渡すことができます。



Kleine Scheideggレストランは、素晴らしい景色と料理を楽しみながら心地よい時間を過ごすのに最適な場所です。お客様は、スイスの伝統的な料理を楽しみながら、美しい風景を堪能することができます。


2232 レビュー
5 スターズ

You don’t buy postcards ! You create one here! Apart from a nice cafe .. it provides one of the most scenic views and with train popping out from the tunnel and the beautiful mountains behind.. on a nice sunny day the view is breathtaking! Don’t miss returning from Jungfrau via this path!

5 スターズ

Stunning views in all directions. Magical sceneries and amazing hikes throughout the area.


When queuing up on the train to the top of the Jungfraujoch at the Kleine Scheidegg Station, I went in when the gates opened, and my friend didn't come in because the gate closed since the train was just full. I asked the staff whether my friend can get in with me because we were together. She didn't even listen to my request but just said, no, go back, which was very impatient and impolite. But AT THE SAME TIME, a non-Asian family next to me were allow to get in. Obviously, they had the same situation as us, but they were in, I don't understand why. Is the female employee racial discrimination? And she(L.Wehri on her name card if I remember correctly) was very rude and arrogant. She didn't want to help me solve the problem at all, and kept yelling me to go back and threatening me. (I have to say sorry to post her photo here but I think every Asian should note this racist woman🙄) When I waited until the next shift and I passed the gate, I told her that I would complain about her racial discrimination, she said “you'd better do this”. As a famous tourist attraction, the staff quality is low and has discriminatory behavior, is really disappointing. There is also no place to complain, even they don't reply my email.