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Hamburger Kunsthalle


Glockengießerwall 5, 20095 Hamburg, Germany
📞 +49 40 428131200


  • 車いす対応駐車場
  • 車いす用エントランス
  • 車いす対応リフト
  • 車いす対応トイレ


  • 子供向け
  • レストラン
  • トイレ

ハンブルクの「Hamburger Kunsthalle」という美術館についてご紹介します。ハンブルクの郊外に位置するこの美術館は、歴史的な建物と素晴らしいコレクションを持つ、ドイツ最大の美術館です。

Hamburger Kunsthalleは1869年に開館しました。当時から、様々なジャンルのアートを紹介してきました。現在では、古典美術、近代美術、現代美術、写真美術、デザインなど、様々なジャンルのコレクションを展示しています。また、定期的に開催される特別展示も人気です。


Hamburger Kunsthalleを訪れる多くの観光客から、高い評価を得ています。Tripadvisorなどのレビューサイトでも、良い評価を受けています。「素晴らしいコレクションと美しい建物があり、楽しむことができました。」というレビューをいただいています。

Hamburger Kunsthalleは、ハンブルクで最高の美術館です。素晴らしいコレクションと建物を堪能しながら、芸術的な癒しを楽しめる場所です。ハンブルクを訪れる際は、是非Hamburger Kunsthalleを訪れてみてください!


7437 レビュー
5 スターズ

Cool space and great collections. You'd need more than 3 hours to take a full and detail tour of both buildings. Totally recommend if you want to spend a day soaking up art in silence.

4 スターズ

It is a wonderful place to visit and see. Information is given next to each picture on the paintings or the statues found. I think people who love history and art should definitely stop by. A valuable and carefully organized museum. Here are Caspar David Friedrich's painting “The Wanderer in a Sea of ​​Fog” (1817) and much more, including Cezanne, Manet, Monet, Picasso, just to name a few. Have a good half day. It was nice, but all the old pictures were a bit too much. It takes a long time to watch them all and is a bit boring for my taste. I would like more modern art. However, the very large painting in the first room was very impressive!

4 スターズ

Many German cities were destroyed during WWII, Hamburg being one of them. Historical buildings are almost nonexistent, only replicas. Many of such buildings have a preserved historical look, but not the feel, sadly. Hamburg Art Gallery consists of 3 buildings and is considered to be among the largest art museums in Germany. The main building dates back to 1869, but it's hard to say what actually survived the devastating WWII. Today the museum looks shiny and modern. Attached to the main building is a domed annex and there is a separate building of Contemporary Art Gallery just opposite the main entrance. All three are interconnected with an underground corridor. The collection is big and includes art from Old masters, 19th century art, modern art and contemporary art. Easy to navigate, lots of space, plenty of information, audio guides, maps, etc. Facilities include a nice art cafe/restaurant The Cube. The museum shop is rather small. Tickets office is cash only, so if you want to pay with a card, buy the ticket online, which is not the ideal user experience as you need to fill in too many fields with unnecessary information before you get through. You need to leave all the bags in the locker room, where you will also need 1Eur or 2Eur coins to use it.